christmas & New year Celebration

Venue: Rosemont High School, 9594 Kiefer Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95827

Date :  Saturday, December 7, 2024 

Time :  2:30 PM

Click the "Buy Tickets" button below to reserve your tickets.

Buy your online tickets before November 30, 2024 .  We encourage everyone to buy the tickets online to help us prepare sufficient food.  Once we reach the maximum capacity,  we will close the ticket sales and walk-in will not be allowed.   

To renew Sargam Annual membership,  click here

ticket information

Online Ticket Pricing (upto 11/30 and onsite pricing there after)

Member - Adult (Above the age of 10)  - $25.00

Member - Kid (Age from 5 to 10)  - $15.00

Non-Member-Adult (Above the age of 10)  -  $30.00

Non-Member-Kid (Age from 5 to 10)   -  $20.00

Onsite Ticket Pricing

Limited tickets may be available onsite.  We encourage everyone to buy tickets online.

Member - Adult (Above the age of 10)  - $30.00

Member - Kid (Age from 5 to 10)  - $20.00

Non-Member-Adult (Above the age of 10)  -  $35.00

Non-Member-Kid (Age from 5 to 10)   -  $25.00

program Registration

Cultural Program Registration deadline :  November 12, 2023 or upon receiving 3 hours of programs

To register a program,  click here (CLOSED)

cultural programs

2:30 pm onwards

Nativity Show, Dance, Songs & much more....


7:00 pm onwards

Delicious christmas dinner


Sargam is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies heavily on volunteer assistance to successfully organize events. We encourage everyone to help your organization by donating their time. Find volunteer opportunities and sign up to assist with event planning, contact

Sargam will issue High school students with a community service credit letter.